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Classroom Decor Ideas that Add a Personal Touch

The summer is a great time to get crafty and make things you can use in your classroom. There are so many things you can do with a can of spray paint, mod podge, and a glue gun. This post includes easy to make classroom decor ideas you'll enjoy making for your room.

The summer is a great time to get crafty and make things you can use in your classroom. There are so many things you can do with a can of spray paint, mod podge, and a glue gun.  I’ve been enjoying crafting with my daughter, Catherine, and I can’t wait to add my creations to my classroom decor this fall. I am going with an animal print theme, and I’ll share my room reveal closer to the start of school. In this post, I’ll share a few inspirational ideas I’ve pinned.

Classroom Idea #1-Book Bins for Personal Libraries

Classroom Decor Ideas that Add a Personal Touch

First up is this great idea for book bins and classroom libraries.  I’ve been looking for narrow, but deep bins, and I believe ice buckets may be it.  They are available at Walmart, but you can now get book bins at Target and the Dollar Tree too. Some teachers have liked using the magazine boxes from Ikea too.

Classroom Idea #2-Using Plastic Tablecloths for More than Dinner

I love the idea of keeping on hand and using plastic tablecloths to make clean up quick and easy.  You can pick up interactive notebook scraps lickety split and keep glue off the table.

This classroom decor idea would make keeping track of where kids are easy.  When the fire drill happens and kids are out to the bathroom, doing an errand, or with a resource person, we feel anxious.  At a quick glance, we can see where they are. Using numbers also allows use every year.

Classroom Decor Ideas that Add a Personal Touch

Creating Cozy Book Nooks

Framed Book Jackets

This pin has certainly made the rounds, but I wanted to share why I love it. First, I think the framed book jackets can feature your favorite titles. Kids will want to check them out if they haven’t read them before.


I also love the painted READ letters from Michael’s. You can choose colors which coordinate with your classroom theme or you can cover them with fabric too.

Classroom Decor Ideas that Add a Personal Touch

Hanging Book Displays

I just love the sweet baskets on the wall, and I have an idea for a cheap version. It would be important to use a very firm basket that has supports from the bottom to hold the weight. L brackets are probably necessary, but they are cheap and easy to attach to the wall. Displaying books that go with your content areas are a great way to expand learning.

Throw Pillows

The last thing I think that’s needed for a cozy nook are throw pillows. You can make covers for special floor pillows, use beanbags, and large stuffed animals for comfort.  I want kids to LOVE reading and want to give a feeling of comfort when they are in my book nook. This child’s room is just plain adorable.

Organization Boards

Classroom Decor Ideas that Add a Personal Touch

I just love this organizational board from Girl Loves Glam. At a quick glance, kids and adults can determine what’s due, class status, etc.  All you need is a oil pan and spray paint. Then, you just use a glue gun to adhere magnets to your frames. All of the pieces stuck to the board can be found at the Dollar Tree.

Well, I hope you see a few oldies, but goodies you like. For more classroom organization ideas, you might check my Classroom Ideas board on Pinterest or watch my Facebook page for regular shares.

Other Back to School Posts:

Pin for Later:

The summer is a great time to get crafty and make things you can use in your classroom. There are so many things you can do with a can of spray paint, mod podge, and a glue gun. This post includes easy to make classroom decor ideas you'll enjoy making for your room.

Have a happy Friday, and now…get crafty and put your own personal twist on one of these ideas.  (if you do, take a picture and share it!!)

Enjoy your summer, readers, and until tomorrow, happy reading!


Carla with Comprehension Connection

3 Responses

  1. What did you use for the magets on your board for keeping track of the kids

  2. Peg-I just got a package of button magnets at Walmart (50 I think) that could be hot glued to buttons or aquarium stones. This isn't my board…just a favorite pin.

  3. Hey Carla!I love that little "READ" corner. So adorable.If you have other favorite pins, join up with my Favorite Pin Friday linky. I just posted it at midnite (a tiny bit late) so link on up. Or even next week! : )

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I’m Carla, the author of Comprehension Connection. I’m a recently retired Literacy Coach and TPT author. I’m a Wife to a great guy, Mom to two grown children and two fur babies. I’m a Virginia Blogger, a Travel Lover, a Coffee Drinker, and a Gal who loves All Things Techie.





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