Running guided reading groups and setting up literacy stations takes so much time. These reading comprehension graphic organizers activities for any book will provide teachers with GRAB AND GO tools for quick instruction and assessment of key reading skills.
PDF & Google Slides – 36 pages
Running guided reading groups and setting up literacy stations takes so much time. These reading comprehension graphic organizers activities for any book will provide teachers with GRAB AND GO tools for quick instruction and assessment of key reading skills.
This bundle of organizers, in color for Google Slides TM and in B&W PDF, are PERFECT for GUIDED READING and STRATEGY GROUPS. Teachers can print a set for each student, laminate and bind them, put them in plastic pockets, and keep them at the guided reading table for quick access OR use the digital version with one-to-one devices. Students will love the variety.
The PDF version is intended to be laminated and bound using spiral bindings (set equal to reading group sizes) and used with any book including both guided reading books and read alouds. Pages can also be printed for students to complete independently for a check of understanding. Dry erase markers will be needed for some mats while some are used with marking chips. Dry erase markers will need to be fine tipped to make usage neater. Teachers may also use them with page protector pockets. The set includes 20 slides (16 mats in PDF and the same 16 in color for Google Slides TM) and would be best suited to grades 2 and up due to writing ability.
โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ “Very useful tool for my kiddos.” Diana M.
โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ “Great Resource for teacher guided groups and independent work !! My students loved the activities. Thank you” Xenia R.
โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ “Great addition to our stations.” Tammy Batesย (TpT Seller)
โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ“I cannot wait to use these for the upcoming school year. I can see laminating these to use during my guided reading groups to check for the students’ understanding!” Leanna S.
โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ“I can’t wait to use this with my students. It’s going to make my small group interaction more meaningful.” 3rd Grade Dreamersย (TpT Seller)
โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ“I like the versatility of this product. I can print them for children to fill out right there during the lesson. I can use them to create reader’s notebooks for my kids to fill out during independent reading. I could even print them on cardstock and laminate them for write-on-wipe-off centers, and just take a picture of their work before they erase. Wonderful job, Carla! Thank you so much!” The Meek Mooseย (TpT Seller)
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
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