Mentor texts are super helpful in all content areas, and this one is perfect for reading and math. You can focus on sequencing AND fractions. Mentor texts work well when we’re trying to teach something new to our students. They can explain concepts, grab attention, provide examples, and can even offer teachers a new way to present material. Today, I’ll share how I used The Wishing Club for teaching sequencing and other skills.
The Wishing Club, a story of fractions (and sequencing)
Today, I thought I’d share a little about the book, The Wishing Club. It may not be well known, but you should be able to find it at your local public library. With the book, you can tie fractions to real-life examples.
Here’s what the Amazon description says about it:
Petey wishes on the first star he sees, but instead of the dollar he hopes for, he gets only a quarter. The next night his little brother Joey wishes for a cookie–and gets just half of one. The twins, Sally and Samantha, don’t fare much better.Try as they might, the children each wind up with a fraction of what they wished for. Can they figure out how to combine their wishes to wind up with one whole, happy pet?
This charming blend of storytelling and math will keep young readers engaged till the very end.
Sequencing with The Wishing Club
I love how the book is introduced. Here is a snapshot of the opening pages. As the story is told, the children make wishes and get varying fractions of what they wished for. I thought this book would work well using fraction towers to model the part they get and how it compares to the other fractions and what they’d need to do to have equivalent fractions. As a post reading, teachers might use a sorting activity to find equivalents.
For reading skills, this book works well for sequencing. This graphic organizer I made a while back could be used to track the story events. You can also use it to work on steps in math too.
To teach the comparison of fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and equivalent fractions, teachers might use lesson plans and resources from the Virginia Department of Education. I loved the lesson plans available to teachers and used them this summer with a tutoring student. This is just one example of what’s available.
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Well, I’m not a math teacher, but I hope this book comes in handy in your upper elementary classroom. Picture books can be used for so many skills, so when you’re looking for a way to model a comprehension skill, review a social studies or science concept, or present a math skill, consider grabbing a book that hooks your kids. I hope this one does just that! Until next time, happy reading!
6 Responses
Oh, this book looks super cute and we just started fractions! I'm going to have to order it! Thanks for linking up!!!
I thought so too. I used the math materials this summer along with quite a few others from the DOE website. I hope others find it helpful. It's nice having a lesson all mapped out.
I totally forgot about this book – I am so glad you shared it – going to look for it now : )
Well that's awesome! I am so glad it triggered your memory. Have a happy Sunday, and thanks for dropping by.
Thank you for sharing! We are just about to start fractions and this book will go perfectly with our unit!
Excellent! I'm so glad it will help.