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Easter Poem of the Week for Kindergarten and First Grade

This Easter Poem of the Week set includes a four line poem on sentence strips to use to model and work on developing a concept of print. Having a concept of print is the sign a child is ready to read. This Easter poem of the week sample is part of my SPRING BUNDLE, YEARLY BUNDLE, AND MEGA BUNDLE. If you enjoy using it with your students, imagine the growth you’ll have with using 1-2 per week! I promise. They work well!

PDF – 16 pages




This Easter Poem of the Week set includes a four line poem on sentence strips to use to model and work on developing a concept of print. Having a concept of print is the sign a child is ready to read. This Easter poem of the week sample is part of my SPRING BUNDLE, YEARLY BUNDLE, AND MEGA BUNDLE. If you enjoy using it with your students, imagine the growth you’ll have with using 1-2 per week! I promise. They work well!


Each poetry set comes with teaching posters, the poem on sentence strips with and without touchpoints, a touchpoint grid for use for those who have trouble connecting speech to symbols, the poems in book form, word cards for lessons and words in isolation, and the poem in page form for creating a poetry anthology for repeated reading throughout the year just like this poetry set.


1) The teachers models with a projection of the teaching posters on a smartboard.

2) Once students have memorized the poem, they continue working on tracking and reading the poem.

3) In small groups, practice words in isolation, constructing sentences, identifying sightwords and beginning sounds, rhyming words, reading punctuation, tracking, and matching print.

4) Move it to a literacy station for those who are ready to practice on their own or with an assistant.

The poems work well for repeated reading with parent volunteers, for sight word hunts, for letter recognition, picture clues, and so much more.

If you like this sample, be sure to check out these resources for the rest of the year:

Poem of the Week: Fall Edition

Poem of the Week: Winter Edition

Poem of the Week: Spring Edition

Poem of the Week: Nursery Rhymes Edition

Poem of the Week: Animals A to Z

Poem of the Week for K/1 Mega Bundle

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Permission to copy or share the digital version for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.

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