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How to Use Digital Resources on Your One-to-One Devices

If digital resources are new to you and you'd like to use them with your one-to-one devices, this post will help you better understand what's involved. Check it out for a little instructional support.

Digital resources are essential for both classroom and remote teaching. Have you just become a one-to-one school? Are you unsure how to make use of your digital resources other than with websites or apps. Well, today, I’d like to show you how you can use Google Slidesโ„ข with your students to check understanding, in response to reading, and for group discussions even.


The first step is to make or purchase the Google Slidesโ„ข resource that matches your standard. To make it simple, I’ll make a graphic organizer that you can try out. The first step you’ll want to decide with your resource is which parts you want the student to be able to work with and which parts you don’t want to be manipulated. The part you don’t want to be manipulated needs to be in the background as an image. In the image to the right, I included a title, directions, and the web as the background which the student would not be able to move or change.

If Digital Resources are new to you and you'd like to use them with your one-to-one devices, this post will help you better understand what's involved. Check it out for a little instructional support.


If digital resources are new to you and you'd like to use them with your one-to-one devices, this post will help you better understand what's involved. Check it out for a little instructional support.

The next step is to add the places where you want your students to respond. This is where your text boxes are used. With each text box, I’d suggest adding a text prompt (what you want the student to write). I used red text to make it stand out, and the beauty of digital is that you can use all the color you like since you can grade and return digitally and never print them. If for some reason, your student deletes or shifts the text box, it is easy for them to fix. They can simply insert another.

Not all digital resources include just text boxes. Some are quite elaborate, but the resource designers that make them include directions whenever they are needed. You will want to demonstrate on your Smartboard how to use Google Slides โ„ข with your students before assigning them of course.


Now that your page is set up, there are just a few more steps just to make it easy for your kids to understand. Google Slidesโ„ข was created to help teachers and other users share their presentations. The comments section is for the presenter to put notes he/she doesn’t want the audience to see during the presentation, right. Well because students are working with the resource in the DESIGN MODE, we can use comments to clarify expectations. If you’re required to share I Can statements, you might add the objective in this space too.

If digital resources are new to you and you'd like to use them with your one-to-one devices, this post will help you better understand what's involved. Check it out for a little instructional support.


Once you have your resource ready for your students, these steps are an absolute must. First, you will get the link to share the resource with your students. Go to “Share”. Click “Get Sharable Link”, and change the setting to “Can Edit”. Copy this link, but here is the most important step:

Replace the word “EDIT” in the URL with the word “COPY”

By replacing EDIT with COPY, you are forcing each student to make their own copy. Once they have a copy, they will rename the copy with a recognizable file name that the teacher will need for grading. For example, you might have the student name it characterization organizer.JANE DOE. This way, you will quickly see the assignment and who has submitted.

To use the sample I shared for modeling, click any of the images above or [THIS LINK]


Digital resources are great for the environment and certainly, a digital option helps the teacher utilize the equipment we have been given. You can use them on Smartboards, with literacy stations, and for independent work. We also know there will be times where a paper copy may be preferred. I love color, and with digital resources, that’s a great perk. I also like black and white PDFs for printing because it saves on ink. All of the resources in my store are getting a conversion. I am working through all 400 of them (one at a time which takes time) to give customers the flexibility to choose. Below are a few you might check out:

CLOSING THOUGHTS on digital resources:

When our division began using Google Apps, I was thrilled. Google Classroom helped my students so much. I loved that I could lay out the plan for the day, include links to the things I’d planned, collect and grade assignments easily, and even clarify things for my students all in one place. I love that we have all of these options now.

Teaching today is SO DIFFERENT from how it was when I began, and one of the biggest changes is in the time needed for pulling it all together. If you want to go digital, this may be one place where you may find purchasing resources helpful. If your school hasn’t checked into site licenses through TPT, you might have them do so. Schools are now able to purchase resources for teachers much more easily, and the great thing about this option… get lifetime updates FOR FREE!

If digital resources are new to you and you'd like to use them with your one-to-one devices, this post will help you better understand what's involved. Check it out for a little instructional support.

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Have a great year, and if you have questions, I’ll do my best to help.

Carla with Comprehension Connection
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I’m Carla, the author of Comprehension Connection. I’m a recently retired Literacy Coach and TPT author. I’m a Wife to a great guy, Mom to two grown children and two fur babies. I’m a Virginia Blogger, a Travel Lover, a Coffee Drinker, and a Gal who loves All Things Techie.





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